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Delia Santina. Enhancements to the Johns Hopkins Multi-Channel Vestibular Prosthesis Yield Reduced Size, Extended Battery Life, Current Steering and Wireless Control. Association for Research in Otolaryngology. 2009 ; Davidovics,N.,G. Y. Fridman 和 C. C. Delia Santina. Linearity of Stimulus-Response Mapping During Semicircular Canal Stimulation using a Vestibular Prosthesis. ARO 2009. 2009 ;Delia Santina,C. C,A. A. Migliaccio和 L B. Minor. Vestibulo-ocular reflex of chinchilla during high frequency head rotation and electrical stimuli. Society for Neuroscience Abstract Viewer and Itinerary Planner. 2003:2003 ;Delia Santina,C. C,A. A. Migliaccio, H. J. Park,I. C. W. Anderson,P. Jiradejvong,L B. Minor 和 J. P. Carey. 3D Vestibuloocular reflex,afferent responses and crista histology in chinchillas after unilateral intratympanic gentamicin. Association for Research in Otolaryngology Annual Mtg. 2005 ;Delia Santina, C. Cj A. A. Migliaccio 和 A. H. Patel. Electrical stimulation to restore vestibular function-development of a3_D vestibular prosthesis.27th Annual IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology.2005 ;Delia Santina,C.Cj A. A. Migliaccio 和 A.H. Patel. A multichannel semicircular canal neural prosthesis using electrical stimulation to restore 3-D vestibular sensation. Ieee Transactions on Biomedical Engineering. 54:2007 ; Delia Santina, C. Cj V. Potyagayloj A. A. Migliaccioj L. B. Minor 和 J. P. Carey. Orientation of human semicircular canals measured by three-dimensional multiplanar CT reconstruction.Jaro-Journal of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology. 6:2005 ;Fridman,G.Y.,N.Davidovicsj C.Dai 和 C.C.Delia Santina. Multichannel Vestibular Prosthesis Stabilizes Eyes For Head Rotation About Any Axis. Journal of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology. Submitted 2009:2009 ;Tang,S.,T. A. N. Melvin 和 C.C. Delia Santina. Effects of semicircular canal electrode implantation on hearing in chinchillas. Acta Oto-Laryngologica. 129:2009)。Delia Santina 和 Faltys 描述了混合的耳蝸的和前庭的 激勵器。
[0009] Shkel等人,Constandinou等人和Phillips等人也描述了前庭的假體電 路但是尚未發(fā)表從生理測試獲得的結(jié)果(Shkel,A. M.和F. G. Zeng. An electronic prosthesis mimicking the dynamic vestibular function.Audiology and Neuro-Otology. 11:2006 ;Constandinouj T.和 J.Georgiou.A micropower tilt processing circuit.Biomedical Circuits and Systems Conference, 2008. BioCAS 2008. IEEE.2008 ;Constandinou,T.,Jj Georgiou 和 C.Andreou.An ultra-low-power micro-optoelectromechanical tilt sensor. Circuits and Systems, 2008. ISCAS2008. IEEE International Symposium on. 2008 ;Constandinou, T. , J. Georgiouj C. Doumanidis 和 C. Toumazou. Towards an Implantable Vestibular Prosthesis: The Surgical Challenges. Neural Engineering, 2007. CNEi 07. 3rd International IEEE/EMBS Conference on. 2007 ;Constandinou,T.,J. Georgiou 和 C. Toumazou. A fully-integrated semicircular canal processor for an implantable vestibular prosthesis. Electronics,Circuits and Systems,2008. ICECS 2008. 15th IEEE International Conference on.2008 ;Constandinou,T.,J. Georgiou 和 C.Toumazou. A Neural Implant ASIC for the Restoration of Balance in Individuals with Vestibular Dysfunction. IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS). 2009 ; Constandinouj T. , J. Georgiouj 和 C. Toumazou. A Partial-Current-Steering Biphasic Stimulation Driver for Vestibular Prostheses.Biomedical Circuits and Systems, IEEE Transactions on. 2: 2008 ;Phillips, J. , S. Biererj A. Fucks, C. Kanekoj L. Ling,K. Nie,T. Oxford 和 J. Rubinstein.A multichannel vestibular prosthesis based on cochlear implant technology. Society for Neuroscience.2008)〇 Shkel 等人描述了定制設(shè)計的微機電(MEMs)陀螺儀和用于設(shè)定電刺激的模式的基于硬件的解 決方案。代替使用微控制器去確定脈沖定時,Shkel等人開發(fā)了控制電路,該控制電路 仿真由Fernandez,Goldberg等人用實驗方法確定的SCC管道動態(tài)(canal dynamics) 傳遞函數(shù)(Baird,R.A.,G. Desmadryl,C. Fernandez 和 J.M. Goldberg. The Vestibular Nerve of the Chinchilla. 2. Relation between Afferent Response Properties and Peripheral Innervation Patterns in the Semicircular Canals. Journal of Neurophysiology. 60:1988) D Constandinou 等人描述了前庭假體專用集成電路(ASIC) 和相應的ASIC元件,該元件可以產(chǎn)生較小的植入物。和Shkel等人的裝置的情況一樣, Constandinou等人的裝置中使用的控制電路是管道動態(tài)傳遞函數(shù)的電路實現(xiàn)。至今,Shkel 等人或者Constandinou等人還沒有報告生理的動物實驗。Phillips等人描述了市場上可 買到的被修改以用作前庭假體的人工耳蝸。
[0010] 到目前為止所有的假體的前庭神經(jīng)刺激研究都遭遇了由于不最理想的電極神經(jīng) 耦接和選擇性以及與裝置大小和功率消耗相關(guān)的限制所造成的性能約束。已經(jīng)描述和生產(chǎn) 的前庭假體都不包括旋轉(zhuǎn)和重力慣性/平移的加速度的傳感器或者能夠支持多極的"電流 導引"刺激范式的多電源,也沒有任何已經(jīng)實現(xiàn)小型化、系統(tǒng)一體化、多維傳感、在原位置自 測試能力和功率消耗降低的充分的結(jié)合以構(gòu)成適合用于長期的前庭缺陷患者的VOR的恢 復的假體。
[0011] 位于兩個內(nèi)耳的六個半規(guī)管(每個耳朵中三個)通過感測頭部繞著三個正交軸的 旋轉(zhuǎn)來給大腦提供平衡信息,三個正交軸對應于管道中的每個管道的空間定向。前庭假體 可以通過用三個正交定向的陀螺儀和線性加速度計來感測頭部的三維旋轉(zhuǎn)和線性加速度 以仿真這種功能。通過電刺激前庭神經(jīng)的通常攜帶來自受植入的耳中的半規(guī)管的每個半規(guī) 管的頭部旋轉(zhuǎn)信息的三個對應的分支來將頭部旋轉(zhuǎn)的感知傳送到大腦。通過電刺激前庭神 經(jīng)的通常攜帶來自受植入的耳中的橢圓囊和球囊的頭部線性加速度信息的三個對應的分 支來將頭部線性加速度的感知傳送到大腦。
[0012] 前庭假體的開發(fā)中的新發(fā)展證明電流擴布可能會使精度嚴重降低,在這種情況下 假體可以選擇性的把前庭神經(jīng)的各個分支中的每個分支作為目標。機能上,電流擴布引起 頭部旋轉(zhuǎn)的感測軸與經(jīng)由傳送到前庭神經(jīng)的電刺激傳達的旋轉(zhuǎn)的軸之間的未對準。這是因 為意圖傳送刺激到神經(jīng)的各個分支中的僅一個分支的刺激電流可以傳到鄰近的分支,無意 中也刺激了鄰近的分支。電流擴布的量取決于電極與目標神經(jīng)分支的接近度和在刺激期間 電流流過組織的路徑。由此電極接觸極其接近各個意圖的刺激地點并且遠離神經(jīng)的非目標 分支的準確的外科布局對假體的操作是關(guān)鍵的。因為前庭神經(jīng)的分支互相非常接近,在不 損害脆弱的神經(jīng)結(jié)構(gòu)(壺腹)的情況下這樣的外科布局是困難的,前庭神經(jīng)在壺腹處進入 半規(guī)管(SCC)。這些進入點被作為用于在每個管道中電刺激的目標(圖1)。
[0013] 因此仍然有對下述改進的可植入式前庭假體的需要,該改進的可植
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